Religion Showbiz and Celebrity Breaking News

Arrested: Trump State Dept. Appointee, a Former Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group Employee, in Connection With Capitol Riot -

Arrested: Trump State Dept. Appointee, a Former Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group Employee, in Connection With Capitol Riot

Family Research Council.On Thursday the FBI arrested Klein “on charges related to the storming of the Capitol on Jan.

Anti-LGBTQ Religious-Right Christian Nationalist Home-School Activist and Anti-Masker Launches Congressional Bid - - state Washington

Anti-LGBTQ Religious-Right Christian Nationalist Home-School Activist and Anti-Masker Launches Congressional Bid

launched a run for U.S. Congress Sunday in Washington state’s 3rd Congressional District, where incumbent Republican Rep.

Biden has an “obsession” with LGBTQ people, conservative Catholics claim -

Biden has an “obsession” with LGBTQ people, conservative Catholics claim

statement released last week .Bill Donahue, CEO of Catholic League, accused Biden of using his first day in office to discuss human rights but limiting “his discussion to the rights of homosexuals and transgender persons.”“This tells us a great deal about his priorities,” Donahue continued. “In contrast to Biden’s obsession with the rights of sexual minorities is his total disinterest in the rights of Christians.

Anti-gay preacher: God let Trump lose because he’s too pro-gay -

Anti-gay preacher: God let Trump lose because he’s too pro-gay

estimated 181 attacks on LGBTQ people during his time as president.He arguably led one of the most anti-LGBTQ administrations in recent history, including banning transgender people from the military, arguing that it should be legal to discriminate against LGBTQ people, and trying to prevent the children of same-sex parents from having U.S.

Former GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: God Removed Trump From Office for Being Too Pro-LGBTQ - - USA

Former GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: God Removed Trump From Office for Being Too Pro-LGBTQ

Sunday’s “Swamp Rangers” radio program, radical anti-LGBTQ activist Scott Lively declared that God stripped Donald Trump of the presidency because of Trump’s promotion of the LGBTQ agenda by giving a gay man, Richard Grenell, prominent positions within his administration.Lively was an ardent supporter of the former president and had hoped that Trump would use his presidency to destroy the LGBTQ movement by enacting Russian-style anti-gay laws in the United States.

Catholic bishops to LGBTQ youth: ‘God is on your side’ - - USA

Catholic bishops to LGBTQ youth: ‘God is on your side’

signed the statement, which was released by the Tyler Clementi Foundation, a nonprofit that tackles online and offline bullying, harassment and humiliation.“As Catholic Bishops in the United States, we join with the Tyler Clementi Foundation in standing up for at-risk LGBT youth in our country,” the statement reads.

A Congressman, a VP, a Hate Group Head, or the Wife of a SCOTUS Justice: Who Was Behind Trump’s Transgender Military Ban the Most? -

A Congressman, a VP, a Hate Group Head, or the Wife of a SCOTUS Justice: Who Was Behind Trump’s Transgender Military Ban the Most?

Trump’s tweets read. “Thank you.”The Commander in Chief had just placed a total ban on transgender service members.

Orthodox rabbi claims COVID-19 vaccine can make people gay - - Israel

Orthodox rabbi claims COVID-19 vaccine can make people gay

Israel Hayom reports that Rabbi Daniel Asor told his followers that the use of “embryonic substrate” could “cause opposite tendencies.”In a recent sermon posted to social media, Asor warned his supporters that “any vaccine made using an embryonic substrate, and we have evidence of this, causes opposite tendencies.”“Vaccines are taken from an embryonic substrate, and they did that here, too, so…it can cause opposite tendencies,” he added.Asor has thousands of fans on social media and previously

Hillsong leader’s old sex book slur reignites shocking church scandal - - Houston

Hillsong leader’s old sex book slur reignites shocking church scandal

leave en mass and former members continue to come forward with abuse allegations against megachurch Hillsong, co-founder Bobbie Houston’s 2003 audiobook, “Kingdom Women Love Sex,” has come under fresh scrutiny, as have her and the church’s allegedly entrenched sexist and homophobic beliefs.In the unearthed sex advice guide, Houston also invokes a slur against the developmentally disabled in describing how women should be physically fit to attract men.“If I carry weight I feel like a r – – ard,”

Hillsong slammed for mentioning pervs — but not Jesus — in Christmas email - - Australia

Hillsong slammed for mentioning pervs — but not Jesus — in Christmas email

Scandal-plagued megachurch Hillsong is being crucified for failing to mention Jesus in a Christmas email and instead dedicating the greeting to clarify details about a pastor’s child abuse. “It’s the only Christmas email I have ever seen that doesn’t mention Jesus. It’s quite bizarre,” longtime Hillsong critic and Australian pastor Bob Cotton told The Post of the internal email, which was shared with him via a current Hillsong member.

Hillsong admits church was aware of disturbing claims against it - - Australia

Hillsong admits church was aware of disturbing claims against it

until recently celebrity-beloved institution told The Post in response to an exposé on former members, who called the Australia-born temple chain a “cult” and claimed they were made to perform unpaid “slave labor” while a part of it. “We were very concerned to learn that any church member, volunteer or staff member would feel unsafe.

‘It’s a cult’: Ex-Hillsong members claim church demanded ‘slave labor’ - - Australia

‘It’s a cult’: Ex-Hillsong members claim church demanded ‘slave labor’

megachurch Hillsong, who continue to come forward with stories painting the institution as more “slave labor” than sanctuary after the high-profile firing of pastor Carl Lentz. “It’s like you work for a major company,” Nicole Herman, who helped found Hillsong LA in 2013, told The Post of the church’s leadership.

Anti-LGBTQ Republican says drag queens reading books to children is “child abuse” - - California

Anti-LGBTQ Republican says drag queens reading books to children is “child abuse”

Right Wing Watch reports.Drag Queen Story Hours are events typically held at libraries or bookstores where drag performers read books to children, as part of efforts to celebrate reading and create culturally inclusive family programming.

Catholic school issues book to gay teens telling them to ‘discover richness of the opposite sex’ -

Catholic school issues book to gay teens telling them to ‘discover richness of the opposite sex’

How to Be Successful in your Love and Sexual Life by conservative priest Jean-Benoît Casterman to students.Casterman’s book claims that “excessive influence” from mothers can cause children to be gay and and says “homosexual tendencies” are “not wanted” and that gay people won’t be “happy,” LGBTQ Nation reports.“Today, some people act like homosexuality is normal,” Casterman wrote.

Sen. Ron Johnson Invites Hydroxychloroquine-Pushing AIDS-Denying Anti-Vaxxer to Testify on COVID - - New York - USA

Sen. Ron Johnson Invites Hydroxychloroquine-Pushing AIDS-Denying Anti-Vaxxer to Testify on COVID

The New York Times reports.She is the head of two fringe medical groups, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons and Doctors for Disaster Preparedness.Orient and her groups oppose vaccine mandates, support the false claim being gay reduces life expectancy, and warned in a 2018 article of “tattooed MS-13 gang members, rapists, jihadists, human traffickers, and other criminals intent on harming Americans.

Franklin Graham: LGBTQ people pushing a ‘godless agenda’ on Joe Biden -

Franklin Graham: LGBTQ people pushing a ‘godless agenda’ on Joe Biden

post last week.The son of evangelist Billy Graham decried a call from the Human Rights Campaign urging President-elect Biden to reinstate nondiscrimination rules in higher education, PinkNews reports.“LGBTQ activists within the Democratic Party are pushing their godless, secular agenda with a potential Biden Administration,” Graham wrote. “If you don’t conform to their ideology, agree with their sinful beliefs, teach what they say is right, they want to close you down.

Catholic leaders tell Biden to “repent” for LGBTQ support -

Catholic leaders tell Biden to “repent” for LGBTQ support

tweeted last week. “He aspires to the highest office in our land & must be guided by the truth God has revealed to us.

Hillsong pastor who fired Carl Lentz puts NYC branch under investigation - - Houston

Hillsong pastor who fired Carl Lentz puts NYC branch under investigation

recently fired for adultery.“We are launching an independent investigation into the inner workings of Hillsong NYC/ East Coast,” Brian Houston, 66, tweeted. “We need a solid foundation for a fresh start and new beginning.

Carl Lentz’s wife Laura reportedly also fired from Hillsong amid scandal - - Australia - USA

Carl Lentz’s wife Laura reportedly also fired from Hillsong amid scandal

fired for the “moral failure” of cheating on his wife, Laura.

Fired Hillsong Church pastor Carl Lentz: I cheated on my wife -

Fired Hillsong Church pastor Carl Lentz: I cheated on my wife

it was revealed that celebrity pastor Carl Lentz was fired from star-studded Hillsong for “leadership issues and breaches of trust,” the specifics of his “moral failures” have come to light: Lentz cheated on his wife.“I was unfaithful in my marriage, the most important relationship in my life and held accountable for that,” Lentz wrote of his affair to his 680,000 followers in an Instagram post of his family Thursday, which had already accrued over 43,000 likes as of this writing.

Justin Bieber’s pastor BFF Carl Lentz fired from Hillsong for ‘moral failures’ - - Houston

Justin Bieber’s pastor BFF Carl Lentz fired from Hillsong for ‘moral failures’

baptized Justin Bieber in a bathtub at the home of Knicks player Tyler Chandler in 2015, has reportedly been let go from the ministry over alleged “breaches of trust” and “moral failures.”In an email to church members obtained by Religion News Service, Hillsong’s founding pastor Brian Houston cited “leadership issues and breaches of trust, plus a recent revelation of moral failures” as reasons for terminating the so-called “hypepriest” from his elevated position at the star-studded megachurch,

Anti-gay evangelical pastor fumes about the Pope’s support for same-sex civil unions -

Anti-gay evangelical pastor fumes about the Pope’s support for same-sex civil unions

An evangelical pastor with ties to Donald Trump has expressed his bitter disapproval of Pope Francis’ recent endorsement of same-sex civil unions. Franklin Graham posted a scathing personal indictment of the Pope’s words to his Facebook account, writing, “For Pope Francis to attempt to normalize homosexuality is to say that Holy Scriptures are false, that our sins really don’t matter, and that we can continue living in them.” “If that were true, then Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and

Lesbian student says Moody Bible Institute threatened her for tweeting about sexuality -

Lesbian student says Moody Bible Institute threatened her for tweeting about sexuality

NBC 5.It stemmed from a tweet Steffen sent joking about her sexuality, given her attendance at MBI, with an image of a woman laughing and the text, “God watching me enroll at Moody Bible Institute knowing damn well I’m Lesbian.”Steffen reposted the tweet with an image of the letter she received from Vice President Arens:how it started how it ended— Meg (@Megan_Steffen) October 10, 2020In the letter, Arens claims Steffen’s actions are “dangerously close to the

Trump Boasts Amy Coney Barrett Was ‘Toying’ With ‘Evil’ Democrats -

Trump Boasts Amy Coney Barrett Was ‘Toying’ With ‘Evil’ Democrats— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 15, 2020Judge Barrett did in fact refuse to answer dozens of questions, if not more, from Democratic Senators wanting to know her legal positions on a wide variety of critical topics, including abortion, same-sex marriage, and voting rights.The hearing, which concluded earlier Thursday, became so contentious this week that Barrett tried to even not answer questions about which the answers are basic facts, or matters of basic law that are

Amy Coney Barrett Puts Reversal of Marriage Equality ‘Clearly Within Sight’ Says National Organization for Marriage - - USA

Amy Coney Barrett Puts Reversal of Marriage Equality ‘Clearly Within Sight’ Says National Organization for Marriage

aren’t being so coy.In an email to supporters Wednesday, Brown said his group’s goal of overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in Obergefell is now “clearly within sight.”When the US Supreme Court illegitimately redefined marriage in 2015 with their anti-constitutional ruling in the Obergefell case, NOM vowed to work every day to overturn that decision.

‘I Won’t Do That’: Amy Coney Barrett Refuses to Reveal Her Legal Position on Same-Sex Marriage Law Obergefell - - state Connecticut

‘I Won’t Do That’: Amy Coney Barrett Refuses to Reveal Her Legal Position on Same-Sex Marriage Law Obergefell

Obergefell, the law that found same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry was properly decided. Amid questioning from Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, Barrett held fast, claiming she has an obligation to not share her legal beliefs.“I’m asking your legal position judge,” Senator Blumenthal told Judge Barrett.

Ginsburg’s Death Leaves LGBTQ Rights on Supreme Court Vulnerable to Religious Claims - - city Philadelphia

Ginsburg’s Death Leaves LGBTQ Rights on Supreme Court Vulnerable to Religious Claims

In the aftermath of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, the resulting conservative shift on the U.S. Supreme Court may enhance the prospect of wins for religious freedom at the expense of LGBTQ rights, including in a pending lawsuit that will decide if a Catholic foster care center in Philadelphia can reject same-sex couples.

Mel Gibson is reportedly making ‘Passion of the Christ’ sequel -

Mel Gibson is reportedly making ‘Passion of the Christ’ sequel

he told Breitbart. “It’s called ‘The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection.’ It’s going to be the biggest film in world history.”While Caviezel, 51, may talk a big game, the first film was no slouch.

Pastor threatens school with lawsuit after daughter sent home for homophobic t-shirt - - Tennessee - county Livingston

Pastor threatens school with lawsuit after daughter sent home for homophobic t-shirt

extremist anti-LGBTQ hate group “Warriors for Christ,” told the Christian Post that his daughter’s First Amendment rights were violated after she was told to leave Livingston Academy in Livingston, Tenn.His daughter Brielle, who is 15, wore a t-shirt with “homosexuality is a sin” written on the front, as well as “1 Corinthians 6:9-10,” which is a Biblical passage interpreted by many Christians as outlawing homosexuality — though the exact translation is still subject to debate.“My 15 year old

Polish Bishop Calls For Clinics To ‘Cure’ The Gays - - Poland

Polish Bishop Calls For Clinics To ‘Cure’ The Gays

It’s getting harder to be gay in Poland in 2020 as Marek Jędraszewski, Archbishop of Kraków (the second largest city in Poland) suggested in a statement that a solution to the so called ‘rainbow plague’ in Poland could be the establishment of clinics to “cure” homosexuals.The statement came during a plenary meeting of the Polish Episcopal Conference (KEP) at the end of August, where they also said it is:“Necessary to create clinics (including with the assistance of the church) to help people who

Anti-LGBTQ Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns from Liberty U amid sex scandal with younger man -

Anti-LGBTQ Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns from Liberty U amid sex scandal with younger man

previously stepped back as president of the private Christian evangelical university, taking an indefinite leave after racy photos emerged of Falwell with his pants unbuttoned at a yacht party.Falwell, 58, has become known for his steadfast loyalty to President Trump, the strict code of behavior he expects students at Liberty to abide by, and his fierce opposition to the acceptance of LGBTQ rights.But he has now formally resigned as president of the university established by his father,

Mormon therapist apologizes for homophobic past after ‘painful’ education from gay sons -

Mormon therapist apologizes for homophobic past after ‘painful’ education from gay sons

Latter Gay Stories, a podcast dealing with LGBTQ issues and the Mormon Church, Bergin, 85, revealed that two of sons are gay, as well as one of his grandchildren.As such, he had endured a “painful and enlightening” education on the gay experience, which has transformed how he views homosexuality.Bergin’s family responded to the release of “On the Record,” a project created by Latter Gay Stories to document the church’s various stances and doctrines on LGBTQ issues.During his time with both the

An Anti-LGBTQ Billionaire and Roy Moore Donor Has Been Bankrolling a Popular Right Wing Pro-Trump Anti-LGBTQ Site: NYT - - Washington - Washington

An Anti-LGBTQ Billionaire and Roy Moore Donor Has Been Bankrolling a Popular Right Wing Pro-Trump Anti-LGBTQ Site: NYT

The Federalist is a right wing, anti-LGBTQ website whose leaders can be seen on Fox News and the Sunday talk shows.People for years have been wondering who funds it. Up until now no one knew.The site’s co-founder Ben Domenech resigned after just three days from The Washington Post over previous plagiarism allegations.

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