Censorship Showbiz and Celebrity Breaking News

Kentucky’s Teacher of the Year Quits, Citing Discrimination - www.metroweekly.com - Britain - Kentucky - county Montgomery - county Sterling

Kentucky’s Teacher of the Year Quits, Citing Discrimination

The man named Kentucky’s 2022 Teacher of the Year has quit his teaching position, citing anti-gay discrimination as one of the reasons for his defection.Willie Carver, Jr., an English teacher at Montgomery County High School in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, for the past 17 years, announced in an interview with the Lexington-Herald Leader that he would be taking a job with the University of Kentucky’s Office of Student Support Services.Carver attributed his decision to leave to his frustration “facing discrimination, heartache, and being a part of systems that cause harm” during his years as a public school teacher.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Democrats Want to Turn Your Kids Gay - www.metroweekly.com

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Democrats Want to Turn Your Kids Gay

MTG Live podcast about Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has become a hero to conservatives for his opposition to political correctness, COVID-19-related shutdowns, and “cancel culture,” including the alleged (but not actual) suppression of conservative voices on social media platforms. Musk, who is poised to buy the social media giant Twitter — a development that some conservatives believe will usher in new policies protecting “free speech” — was previously accused by a female flight attendant of SpaceX, Musk’s space transportation firm, of exposing his genitalia to her, rubbing her leg, and offering to buy her a horse if she performed a sexual act for him. According to Business Insider, documents show Musk later paid the woman $250,000 as part of a severance agreement in 2018. Greene, who has embraced various conspiracy theories during her short political career, and is no stranger to inflammatory comments, claimed that breaking news about the past accusations of sexual harassment is a political attack against the billionaire, and complained that conservatives like Musk and former President Donald Trump often get accused of sexual misconduct.“If anyone was a Democrat steps out of line because they’ve decided they can’t go along with the horrible, disgusting, and failing ways of the Democrats, and they actually see the light, see the truth… They go, you know, I’m going to try voting Republican because these people over here make sense,” Greene said.

China’s attempt to censor Megan the Stallion’s booty fails - nypost.com - China - California - city Shanghai

China’s attempt to censor Megan the Stallion’s booty fails

heavily-censored nation were able to tune-in to the two-weekend festival in Indio, California via the app WeChat, including the 27-year-old rapper’s performance on Saturday evening.In a farcical attempt to adhere to community standards on the Chinese social networking app, moderators used a floating black box to cover Megan and her dancers’ butts, but failed to keep up with their gymnastic twerking. Footage pulled from WeChat shows the black box wildly bounced from side to side and confused viewers as to what exactly they were trying to censor. The restricted livestream took further liberties with the lyrics of “WAP,” Megan’s acronymic 2021 hit featuring Cardi B, remixing the X-rated phrase to “Wet Ass Puxi,” in reference to the district of Shanghai that is currently under lockdown amid a new surge of COVID-19.The Grammy-winning artist also performed fan favorites including “Savage,” “To Whom the F–k It May Concern” and “Sweetest Pie.”Fans mocked the suppression snafu on Twitter.

Gay relationship censored from ‘Harry Potter’ prequel for China release - nypost.com - China - Hollywood

Gay relationship censored from ‘Harry Potter’ prequel for China release

first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, takes out six seconds of the film in which Dumbledore utters the lines “I was in love with you” and “the summer Gellert and I fell in love.”The film’s total run time is 143 minutes.“As a studio, we’re committed to safeguarding the integrity of every film we release, and that extends to circumstances that necessitate making nuanced cuts in order to respond sensitively to a variety of in-market factors,” a Warner Bros. spokesperson told THR.“Our hope is to release our features worldwide as released by their creators but historically we have faced small edits made in local markets.” The spokesperson added: “In the case of ‘Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore,’ a six-second cut was requested and Warner Bros.

China Censors Gay References In ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Movie - www.metroweekly.com - China

China Censors Gay References In ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Movie

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, agreed to edit out two references to same-sex relationships from the film following demands from Chinese government censors.The censored dialogue, the removal of which ensured that the government would allow the film to be released to the public, occurs during a scene between main characters Albus Dumbledore, played by Jude Law, and Gellert Grindelwald, played by Mads Mikkelsen.The lines, which amounted to six seconds in total, were “…because I was in love with you” and “The summer Gellert and I fell in love,” reports the South China Morning Post.In 2007, J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series, declared that Dumbledore, who became the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry later in life, is gay, although he was never referenced as such in the books.Dumbledore’s sexual orientation was subsequently hinted at in the first two Fantastic Beasts films — which serve as prequels to the Harry Potter films — but it’s not until The Secrets of Dumbledore that the character’s sexuality if fully acknowledged on screen.

Pixar employees say Disney censors same-sex affection in films - www.metroweekly.com - California - Florida

Pixar employees say Disney censors same-sex affection in films

first reported on Twitter by journalist Judd Legum of the newsletter Popular Information, strikes back against Chapek’s comments — in both a company-wide memo sent to Disney employees and subsequent remarks at the company’s annual shareholder meeting — purporting to stand with the company’s LGBTQ employees and the LGBTQ community more broadly.In the memo, issued earlier this week, Chapek defended the company’s decision not to issue a statement on the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill — a piece of “parental rights” legislation that seeks to keep parents informed of any changes in the way schools deal with their children, particularly with respect to affirming a child’s gender identity or sexual orientation without the parents’ knowledge.The bill explicitly bans teacher- or school-led discussions of LGBTQ-related topics up to the third grade, and requires that any conversations in older grades be age-appropriate and “developmentally appropriate.” But critics say that, in practice, given the pressure on teachers and the lack of support from administrators seeking to appease overly-sensitive or litigious parents, schools — and individual teachers — will preemptively censor student speech or LGBTQ-related content, even at the middle and high school levels. Chapek’s memo was issued in response to demonstrations by LGBTQ groups outside of Disney theme parks in Florida and California, as well as simmering discontent among employees, which stemmed not only from what critics characterized as a tepid response to the bill, but from an Orlando Sentinel report that Disney donated to every politician who sponsored and co-sponsored the legislation.In the internal memo, Chapek said the company “unequivocally” stands in support of its LGBTQ

WATCH: Principal caught on video popping “Gay is OK” support balloons - www.metroweekly.com - county Banner

WATCH: Principal caught on video popping “Gay is OK” support balloons

posted to YouTube, shows school principal Bipul Singh popping 10 multicolored balloons that had been delivered to the school with a note addressed to him and to Vice Principal Sandra Scott.Singh is seen reading the note, which mentions that the balloons were delivered “in support of of a student who created LGBTQ artwork in class,” writes the Athens Banner-Herald. He then pops the balloons before tossing the entire package in the trash.Singh and Scott reportedly forced a classroom teacher to take down a student’s “Gay is OK” drawing, featuring an umbrella against the backdrop of a rainbow Pride flag, after another parent complained about its inclusion in a classroom artwork display.The teacher initially resisted taking down the artwork on the grounds that it was unfair to censor this particular student’s brand of speech, but Singh and Scott allegedly told the teacher to take it down.

Principal in “Gay is OK” artwork row seen popping balloons on video - www.metroweekly.com - Atlanta - city Jackson - county Banner

Principal in “Gay is OK” artwork row seen popping balloons on video

posted to YouTube and shared with local news outlets earlier this month — shows the school’s principal, Bipul Singh, popping 10 multicolored balloons that were delivered to the school with a note addressed to him and to Vice Principal Sandra Scott, according to a receipt shared by Jeff Jackson, and attorney representing the family of the anonymous child whose artwork was allegedly censored.Singh is seen reading the note, which mentions that the balloons are being delivered “in support of of a student who created LGBTQ artwork in class,” reports the Athens Banner-Herald. He then pops the balloons before tossing the package, with the remnants of the balloons, in a trash can.According to Jackson’s clients, Singh and Scott forced a classroom teacher to take down the student’s “Gay is OK” drawing, featuring an umbrella against the backdrop of a rainbow Pride flag, after another parent complained about its inclusion in a classroom artwork display.The teacher initially resisted taking down the artwork, on the grounds that it was unfair to censor this particular student’s brand of speech, but Singh and Scott allegedly told the teacher to take it down.

Chinese streaming services censor ‘Friends’ plotlines, other suggestive material - nypost.com - Britain - China - New York

Chinese streaming services censor ‘Friends’ plotlines, other suggestive material

according to CNN.. Ross had made the statement in a debate the pros and cons of men and women.The TV show developed a large and loyal following in China after it was first broadcast uncensored by streaming services Sohu video and iQiyi in 2012.

Grindr removed from Apple stores in China amid crackdown on “bad Internet culture” - www.metroweekly.com - New York - China

Grindr removed from Apple stores in China amid crackdown on “bad Internet culture”

Qimai. Grindr has also been banned from Android app stores run by Chinese phone makers like Tencent and Huawei, reports Bloomberg.Representatives from Grindr confirmed to Bloomberg and The New York Post that the company removed its app from the Apple store in China of its own accord, citing difficulties with complying with the country’s Personal Information Protection Law.New regulations went into effect at the end of 2021 that limit personal information stored in apps and require data transferred between China and other regions to be approved by the Chinese government, prompting some companies to remove their apps from Apple and Android stores in China. Several foreign Internet services, including Yahoo, Microsoft Corp.’s LinkedIn, and Epic Games Inc.’s Fortnite, pulled out of the Chinese market last year because of difficulty complying with burdensome regulations aimed at restricting or censoring certain types of content.Grindr’s removal from online app stores comes just days after the Chinese government announced a month-long campaign aimed at policing online content to “create a civilized, healthy, festive and peaceful atmosphere for online public opinion” as the nation prepares to host the Winter Olympics.Among the government’s goals during that time period are to crack down on online violence, pornography, the spread of rumors about the Olympics or the government, and take steps to curb “the spread of bad Internet culture,” which means rooting out online behavior that the government dislikes or finds distasteful. While the announcement didn’t specifically mention dating apps or homosexuality, LGBTQ people in China have found themselves targeted by the government in the past.

Apple Music trolls Spotify by boosting Neil Young’s music: ‘We Love Neil’ - nypost.com - county Young

Apple Music trolls Spotify by boosting Neil Young’s music: ‘We Love Neil’

pulled his music from Spotify on Wednesday in protest of controversial podcaster Joe Rogan “spreading fake information about vaccines,” Apple Music has boosted Young’s music in a not-so-subtle dig at its top streaming rival. As of Friday morning, Apple Music’s homepage featured a playlist of Neil Young albums with the title “We Love Neil.” Apple’s streaming service also labeled itself the “the home of Neil Young” in a tweet late Thursday and sent out at least one push notification to users promoting Young’s latest album. Young’s beef with Spotify centers on what he says is Joe Rogan’s habit of hosting guests that spread lies about coronavirus vaccines. Rogan has an exclusive podcasting deal with Spotify reportedly valued at over $100 million. In a since-deleted letter to Spotify, Young said that Spotify hosting Rogan’s show was “potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them.”The home of Neil Young.Listen to his entire catalog on Apple Music: https://t.co/sUGtz4JbB9 pic.twitter.com/YgRMygUqhi“They can have Neil Young or Rogan.

‘Fight Club’ ending changed in China with new fate for Tyler Durden - nypost.com - Los Angeles - China - county Pitt - county Norton

‘Fight Club’ ending changed in China with new fate for Tyler Durden

Brad Pitt/Edward Norton) successfully detonating his anarchy cell’s “Project Mayhem” and bombing the Los Angeles skyline is swapped for a graphic indicating that authorities saved the day in the nick of time.“The police rapidly figured out the whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing the bomb from exploding,” reads the new ending on Chinese-based Tencent Video.FIGHT CLUB’s ending for the Chinese release (on Tencent Video) was changed to this and now I’m waiting for someone to fanfic a sequel based on this censored ending. pic.twitter.com/zYB0bY3Dlp“After trial, Tyler was sent to a lunatic asylum receiving psychological treatment.

Central New York school backtracks after censoring gay student in school newsletter - www.metroweekly.com - New York - county Johnson

Central New York school backtracks after censoring gay student in school newsletter

The Knight Insight.Refusing to change his answers, Johnson told O’Brien he didn’t want to be included in the newsletter. He then took to social media, posting a video on TikTok complaining about his treatment.

Samsung pulls ad featuring Muslim mother and drag queen son in Singapore - www.metroweekly.com - South Korea - Singapore - county Wake

Samsung pulls ad featuring Muslim mother and drag queen son in Singapore

BBC News, the ad sparked criticism from social conservatives, who accused Samsung of attempting to “push LGBT ideology.” Other critics in the conservative majority-Muslim society accused the ad of “disrupting the harmony within the Malay-Muslim community.”The South Korean tech giant later scrubbed the video from all its public platforms, although individual users on social media, including TikTok and YouTube, saved versions of the ad so they could share it with their followers.Samsung apologized for the ad in a statement, saying it is aware of the negative feedback it has received for airing the commercial and acknowledged that the ad “may be perceived as insensitive and offensive” to some.“We acknowledge that we have fallen short in this instance, and have since removed the content from all public platforms,” the company added in its statement. “Samsung believes that innovation and growth are driven by diversity and inclusivity.

GLAAD joins 600+ writers, artists, and advocates to oppose efforts to censor LGBTQ books and books about race - www.metroweekly.com - USA - Virginia

GLAAD joins 600+ writers, artists, and advocates to oppose efforts to censor LGBTQ books and books about race

threatened library and school personnel with violence, started recalls against school board members, filed complaints to have the books removed for being age-inappropriate, and even, in some cases, called on local police to pursue criminal charges against teachers and librarians who either refuse or don’t act swiftly enough to remove the books from library shelves.

John Cleese ‘blacklists’ himself from ‘woke’ Cambridge University talk - nypost.com - county Union

John Cleese ‘blacklists’ himself from ‘woke’ Cambridge University talk

took to Twitter, saying: “I was looking forward to talking to students at the Cambridge Union this Friday, but I hear that someone there has been blacklisted for doing an impersonation of Hitler.“I regret that I did the same on a Monty Python show, so I am blacklisting myself before someone else does.”The funnyman followed up with a second tweet, telling his 5.6 million followers: “I apologize to anyone at Cambridge who was hoping to talk with me, but perhaps some of you can find a venue where

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ rapper Bryson Gray boots Adele out of No. 1 spot with banned anti-Biden song - nypost.com

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ rapper Bryson Gray boots Adele out of No. 1 spot with banned anti-Biden song

top of the iTunes charts, booting Adele from the No. 1 spot — even after getting banned on YouTube and Instagram for spreading “harmful false information.”“Let’s Go Brandon,” released last week by avowed Trump supporter Bryson Gray, has been sitting at No.

Fans call on Disney to ban raunchy shirts from parks after viral post - nypost.com

Fans call on Disney to ban raunchy shirts from parks after viral post

tweeted Sam Carter, a former Disney creative designer, who posted a photo of the couple with clown emojis superimposed over their faces. One fan replied, “If they banned these shirts from ever being allowed in a Disney park again I wouldn’t be mad.”Meanwhile, another wrote: “D is for discomfort.” “Kind of tacky to bring to a theme park,” added another fan.Some people just replied with gifs that communicated their disapproval.

Museums join OnlyFans to keep ‘explicit’ art from social media censors - nypost.com - city Vienna

Museums join OnlyFans to keep ‘explicit’ art from social media censors

combining porn and art. Amid increased social media crackdowns on risqué museum imagery, Vienna’s tourism board has devised a way to circumvent censorship of more explicit artworks — by putting it on OnlyFans.

Twitch’s ‘do not ban’ list protected their most profitable streamers - nypost.com - Washington

Twitch’s ‘do not ban’ list protected their most profitable streamers

streaming gamer platform kept a “do not ban” list for their most popular streamers.

Rolling Stones retire classic rock song ‘Brown Sugar’ - nypost.com

Rolling Stones retire classic rock song ‘Brown Sugar’

current tour and said the blues classic has been removed from their setlist.“You picked up on that, huh?,” Keith Richards, 77, responded to the LA Times when asked if the Stones had cut the second-most-performed tune in their catalog amid a climate of heightened cultural sensitivity.“I don’t know. I’m trying to figure out with the sisters quite where the beef is.

Stranger tells teens their bikini-clad beach bodies are ‘pornography’ - nypost.com

Stranger tells teens their bikini-clad beach bodies are ‘pornography’

posted the now-viral footage to TikTok, where it has racked up 2.4 million views. Dorn, meanwhile, has claimed that he acted in “righteous anger.” (Yes, he has his own religion-themed TikTok, modestly dubbed “THE DWELLING PLACE WHERE YOU CAN ENCOUNTER GOD.”)“Take young eyes into consideration.

China bans ‘incorrect political’ and ‘effeminate’ screen content - nypost.com - China

China bans ‘incorrect political’ and ‘effeminate’ screen content

Reuters has reported.Their message included criticism that the industry supports an “effeminate” male image, to the detriment of Chinese men, they said. The National Radio and Television Administration of China also intends to put the squeeze on stars’ outsized salaries while encouraging such entertainment tycoons to volunteer to aid public welfare programs.

Nigella Lawson cuts ‘slut’ from her ‘dream’ dessert recipe - nypost.com

Nigella Lawson cuts ‘slut’ from her ‘dream’ dessert recipe

shared a recipe for a popular dessert, previously known as “Slut Red Raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly,” on social media — but she instead referred to them with the more modest descriptor “Ruby Red.”“RecipeOfTheDay is a dream of a dessert, and so easy to make. If you’ve never tried home-made jelly before, now’s [your] chance: Ruby Red Raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly for the win!” she wrote on Aug.

China bans live Oscars broadcasts after Hong Kong protest film nominated - nypost.com - China - Hong Kong - city Hong Kong

China bans live Oscars broadcasts after Hong Kong protest film nominated

Hong Kong protests was nominated for an award, according to a new report. The Communist Party’s propaganda department issued the order to all media outlets, Bloomberg reported, citing anonymous sources.

Music video spurs outrage with porn star’s sexy cameo on Iranian app - nypost.com - Tokyo - Iran - city Tehran

Music video spurs outrage with porn star’s sexy cameo on Iranian app

Radio Javan.Iranian authorities intensely censor social media and entertainment distribution — YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Telegram are all blocked in the country, reported the Associated Press — and legally require foreign-made music, including songs that are in the nation’s official language of Persian, to get official distribution permission.

Madonna’s Instagram flagged for spreading ‘false’ COVID-19 information - nypost.com

Madonna’s Instagram flagged for spreading ‘false’ COVID-19 information

doing what she does best again: getting censored.Yesterday, Instagram obscured a video from the superstar’s account for touting a conspiracy theory that claims a cure for the coronavirus has “been found and proven and has been available for months.”“They would rather let fear control the people and let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” the caption read for the 61-year-old pop icon’s 15 million followers.The censored clip features Dr.

Idris Elba says racist shows and movies shouldn’t be censored - nypost.com

Idris Elba says racist shows and movies shouldn’t be censored

Radio Times. “To mock the truth, you have to know the truth.

Pressed for freedom in Australia - www.starobserver.com.au - Australia

Pressed for freedom in Australia

The 2020 World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontieres) shows Australia plummeting five places from its position last year and now sitting at  number 26 globally. 

China Film Festival Closes, Saying Independence Is ‘Impossible’ - variety.com - China

China Film Festival Closes, Saying Independence Is ‘Impossible’

China’s last truly independent film festival has been “halted indefinitely,” organizers said in a hard-hitting statement. They said that it has become “impossible” to undertake such an event in the country’s current political climate.

Alanis Morissette's NYE performance heavily censored - torontosun.com - New York

Alanis Morissette's NYE performance heavily censored

Alanis Morissette kept U.S. TV censors on high alert on New Year’s Eve after encouraging the star of her Broadway show Jagged Little Pill to sing a curse word live on air.

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