Ben Stiller‘s upcoming Christmas comedy Nutcrackers features an “eight-second fart” from one of the child actors, director David Gordon Green has revealed.Following the comedy’s world premiere on Thursday night at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival, Stiller and the four real-life brothers who co-star in the film appeared on stage for a Q&A, where they shared the details of a gassy incident that occurred on set.“Before we stop talking, I’d like to talk about the farting at some point?” Stiller said (via Entertainment Weekly), turning toward the Janson brothers — Homer, Ulysses, and twins Atlas and Arlo — before the kid actors confirmed that one of them did, indeed, let out a sustained fart that was captured during filming.“It was incredible, because we all cracked up,” Stiller, continued of the axed scene. “I wish it was in the movie.