Angela Constance Latest Celebrity News & Gossip

Nicola Sturgeon set to hold crunch talks on potential controversial drugs laws turnaround - - Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon set to hold crunch talks on potential controversial drugs laws turnaround

Nicola Sturgeon is to meet Scotland’s Lord ­Advocate to discuss a possible ­turnaround on controversial drug laws.The First Minister made the pledge to activist Peter Krykant, whose mobile ­Overdose Prevention Centre, run from a converted minibus, is testing the resolve of police and prosecutors.After online talks with ­Sturgeon and new drugs policy minister Angela Constance last night, Krykant told the Record: “If you asked me a few weeks ago I’d have said I had zero hope of Scotland’s drug

New Scots drugs minister Angela Constance vows 'I'll cut deaths or carry the can' - - Scotland

New Scots drugs minister Angela Constance vows 'I'll cut deaths or carry the can'

drugs minister has promised a rapid “step change” backed with “significant” extra funding.Angela Constance admitted the time for talk is over and action must come immediately, with fast results.She told the Daily Record that she is prepared to be personally judged on results in the same way as her ­predecessor, Joe FitzPatrick, before he was forced to resign last week.Constance said: “The First Minister has said we own this crisis and I will own our successes and I will own our failures.“I don’t

Nicola Sturgeon appoints new Public Health Minister in bid to tackle pandemic -

Nicola Sturgeon appoints new Public Health Minister in bid to tackle pandemic

Joe FitzPatrick, who left the post last week.FitzPatrick quit after being roundly criticised over drugs death figures.Gougeon, SNP MSP for Angus North and Mearns, was the Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural Environment.In her new post, she will play a key role in tackling the pandemic and will have responsibility for COVID-19 testing.Angela Constance has been nominated to be the new Minister for Drugs Policy.First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: "Mairi Gougeon has proven herself to be a

Unemployment almost doubles in West Lothian in 12 months - - Britain - Scotland

Unemployment almost doubles in West Lothian in 12 months

“The Scottish Government has both the ability and moral obligation to do this.” SNP MSP for Almond Valley, Angela Constance, said: “West Lothian like the rest of Scotland is experiencing the hardship of a significant rise in unemployment due to the double whammy of Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic.“What we need now as a matter of urgency is a Job Guarantee Scheme particularly for young people who are at most risk from the long-term effects of unemployment.

SNP and Labour politicians consult public on introducing a national care service - - Scotland

SNP and Labour politicians consult public on introducing a national care service

SNP and Labour MSPs are consulting the public on how to bring about a revolution in the “broken” social care system.Nationalist Angela Constance and Labour leader Richard Leonard are separately reaching out for views on a national care service, which could dismantle the largely privately-owned status quo.Constance, a former SNP Education Secretary, is calling for the Scottish Government to produce a blueprint before next year’s election.Get all the top Scottish politics news sent straight to

Angela Constance backs new campaign during coronavirus crisis -

Angela Constance backs new campaign during coronavirus crisis

MSP Angela Constance has backed a new campaign aimed at preventing avoidable accidents in the home to ease pressure on the NHS during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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